
McAbee Travel has always focused on customer service making it our number one priority. We have experienced agents waiting for your call. This means you get the information or quote you need quickly and efficiently, leaving you time to respond to your customer promptly. Volume discounts are available for larger travel agencies. Our service agreements with the carriers exclude us from publishing our fares online. One call is all it takes to get a quote from one of our knowledgeable agents.


Humanitarian Airfare

Focusing on the humanitarian airfare market, McAbee Travel has been proudly serving travel agents as its core focus since 1988. We own the contracts with major carriers flying to a wide choice of worldwide destinations. Hence, we can search for and find competitive quotes compared to airfares published by the airlines.


Humanitarian Rules

Humanitarian airfares have very different rules than published or consolidator fares. Because there is a qualification requirement, we can only offer these fares to your clients who are traveling on behalf of non-profit organizations, churches, missionary organizations, adoption agencies, and most schools. They can be booked as individuals and groups.


Booking Engine

Our login protected humanitarian booking engine presents net fares and published fares that can be booked at any time. We will also let you know when a possible commission override is available on a published airfare (request a login). In addition, we also offer Amadeus access for larger accounts.

Group Airfare

McAbee Travel specializes in International Groups. We have experienced, dedicated group agents able to help you with your group request. Our main market for groups is between 10 and 60 passengers. Because all groups are priced independently, they cannot be booked through the booking engine, so please call us at 800-622-2335.


About us

At McAbee Travel, we have been in business for more than 35 years. Since 1988, we have been helping travel agents handle airfare requests for nonprofit clients. We handle special airfare requests for humanitarian missions, Church groups, missionary organizations, and more. Our goal is to provide special, discounted fares for both individuals and groups who are headed to the Middle East, Asia, Europe, Latin America, and numerous other locations across the globe. In addition to the lowest humanitarian rate possible, we also work to provide flexible routing through travel Airline Partners to most destinations across the planet.

Who We Are

McAbee Travel has been in business since 1988, located in Atlanta GA (suburb of Norcross). We help travel agents with their airfare requests for their non-profit clientele (missionary, humanitarian, and church). We carry the maximum bond with the Airline Reporting Corporation. Read More